Disclaimer: Sorry - yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.
heck... life is so much to be complaint about.

Wednesday, November 12, 2003  

Orait people.. I'll be switching over from blogspot to my own blog domain.
Ditch my initial plan to use MT and will be using GreyMatter for my new upcoming blog. Being a sucker on HTML coding and programming, the new page will be simple (I mean really really really simple).

So.. just wait for the official switch over.

-- Yeah.. got my Monte Cristo cigars.

posted by Fahroe | 11:50 PM

Awal pagi aku kene tukar plan untuk pergi ke tempat client. Instead pergi terus dari rumah, aku kene masuk opis dulu untuk ambil document. Lupa nak bawak balik semalam since kelam kabut nak pergi buka puasa with Dell. This time Dell buat kat Passion Road, Damansara. Tempat dia kewl jugak. Rumah banglo 2 tingkat converted jadik restaurant. Food wise, kurang sket lar sebab choice dia tak banyak sangat. Aku tak amik nasi, just ratah sayur n fruits. Kerabu mangga dia sedap sei.. lama tak pekena kerabu mangga. :P. Masa tuh..jumpa la geng BBS - Reimy. And few other people dalam circle of vendor kampeni aku.

Hari nih, domain aku dah transfer kat GoDaddy. Pagi tadi aku update semua DNS record, now tunggu everything activate ajer la. Expect that the blog will go down in few days kot. Aku nak migrate semua pergi new system. Jumpa new blog tool call bBlog. Tak ade la payah sangat nak install. Tengok la cam mane. Tunggu everything in place dulu lar. Aku dok try MT tak jalan jalan gak.. give up ah. Aku nak yang simple ajer. Tengok cam mane nanti. Hopefully jalan ler.

Najahnasseri dalam blog dia ade komen pasal buffet bulan puasa di KL sekarang nih. Memang tak dinafikan, price buffet sekarang memang gilos punya tinggi. Ape yang buat makanan kat KL nih mahal sangat? Pergi kampung kampung..luar KL ... herga alahai.. teringat pergi Kelantan 2 bulan lepas. Ayam goreng, Rm1 seketul. Bukan yang kecik punya, besor giler. Sinih??? Jangan harap lar kalau nak dapat kurang dari RM1.50. Padahal herga ayam bukan kene kontrol ker? Bila stock ayam banyak sangat, pergi bakar anak ayam. Ni cerita dulu la.. few years back. Makanan lain jangan cerita lar. Kalau fast food tuh aku tak komplen sangat, memang harga dia cam tu sebab mende tu franchise. So ade la kontrol ler aper ler.. Nih food court KL Sentral pun mencekik darah cam giler.

Lagi satu, kata lah gomen announce harga tepung atau gula naik 10sen sekilo. Immediately satu KL punya restaurant naik price air lar.. roti canai lar.. weiiiiii come on laa.. Don't tell me roti canai sekeping pakai tepung sekilo???? Kekadang aku sound kedai yang mane naik harga suka hati dia. Siap tanya staff dia lar.. Korang punya gaji naik kaa? Apa pasal herga makanan naik? Boss tak cukup income lagik so kene naik semua lar?
Hampeeeehhhhhhhh tull lar.

Satu lagi.. bila gomen announce bonus ker.. time dekat raya ker.. time festive season ker.. mesti harga barang naik. OK fine.. demand lebih dari pengeluaran, tapi tak kan tak ada orang nak counter kasik lebeh product????? Ke satu Malaya komplot nak cekik consumer???

Orait.. nak gi Nelayan. Buka puasa with client. Actually, manager ajak aku.. tak involve pun dalam project nih.. balun ajer laa.. Kekkekekek....

-- Sejuk yang amat. KL nak jadik kutub khatulistiwa ker???? Brrrggggghhhh..

posted by Fahroe | 1:01 AM

Monday, November 10, 2003  

Ani dah sampai KL semalam. The funny part, bag dia terus di tag and check in to Cambodia. Padahal minah tu nak lepak KL one nite dulu. So, we waited for 1 and half hour before the bag can be taken out from the luggage area. Nasib baik tak sampai Cambodia dah. Kalau tak sia sia ajer. Tapi yang peliknya, cam mane pandai sangat pegi check in terus pegi Cambodia? Dah kasik tau awal awal pegi KL dulu before sana. Ntah ler. Bila pandai sangat cam nih ler jadik nyer.. Terlebeh efficient. Kalau kurang tuh.. tersangat ler kurang. Memacam la..

Hari nih aku membzkan diri ngan reformat server and notebook. Boss aku bising tak leh nak install appz dalam notebook. Ade application dah corruptkan windows installer. Pening aah. Culprit dia Norton AV. Menatang tuh tak buat clean uninstall. Last last aku dah pening, aku reformat balik ajer la notebook tuh. Server tuh memang kene format sebab nak buat Ghost image baru. Dah ready dah semua. So nanti leh pakai balik new image.

Got to go.... Man sampai awal plak kat opis. Buka posa time....

posted by Fahroe | 12:54 AM

Sunday, November 09, 2003  

Hmm.. stil waiting for domain transfer to complete. Nothing much to do except wait.

posted by Fahroe | 5:32 PM

Thursday, November 06, 2003  

Something went wrong this morning on my fahroe.com domain. Satu mail pun tak sampai kat domain tuh. Penin la jugak. Then notice that, aku blom transfer domain provider dari Network Solutions to Namezero. Dulu NameZero guna Network Solutions untuk DNS names. Pas tuh dia dah dapat ICANN registry status, so sape sape client kat situ kene transfer lar record dari Network Solutions pergi kat dia. Ahhh sudah, is this the culprit??? Dalam dok kelam kabut tuh, aku start to transfer domain aku dari NameZero to GoDaddy.com. Kewl gaks process dia. Cepat sket. Now tgh tunggu transfer process. Murah pun murah. USD6.95 ajer. Then aku beli disk space kat CitaHost.Com. Cadang cadang nak migrate everything from Blogger to aku punya own server. Dah ready dah semua. Tinggal nak install blog appz ajer. Tak tau nak pakai aper. Moveable Type ker, or GreyMatter. Lain ade aper ah? Aku bukan reti sangat nak mencoding nih. Maybe pakai MT kot. Just need to be a bit patient ajer lar this few days utk set up the whole thing. Silap silap aku letak Mambo. kekekeke. Wat portal sendiri.

Lupa plak... bukan domain aku sorang ajer. Domain opis aku pun kene.. Dok pikir cam mane nak selamatkan semua nih. Pening seiii ngan NameZero nih.

Esok sambung configure server baru. Hopefully domain transfer success ler.

posted by Fahroe | 2:05 AM

Tuesday, November 04, 2003  

Abang Kimi dah tangkap Boblbee Sports series. Yeah.. la nih ade team dah yg pakai this bag. Why I love this bag? First of all, the design. 2nd the back support it offers. Talk about the design, just see what people do with the bag. Kewl sehhhh.. Jeles giler tengok. Macam macam mende orang buat dengan bag nih. And do you this bag comes with a manual on how to use it??? As for myself, I own a Boblbee Megalopolis Titan series. Ingat nak cari airbrush artist to draw something on the bag. Hmm.. baper la pulak nak kopak tu. Know any place cheap? Hhehehe

Ada The Matrix fans tak out there? Tonite is day man!!. Malam nih start show The Matrix - Revolution. Kewl giler. Sayangnya tak ade tiket. Hmm. melelepas. Show after 12am ade lar. Gilos aah nak pergi. Maybe weekend nih kot. Tengok lar cammane. And sape sape yang nak mendalami erti The Matrix tuh, sila sila le ker web site nih. You will go deep in the rabbit hole.

Will be in PutraJaya this afternoon for a tender briefing. Hmm.... dateline time aku kat kampung. Sabor ajer.. Sib baik bukan team lead.

-- My.Boblbee User Group anybody?

posted by Fahroe | 6:16 PM

Sunday, November 02, 2003  

Yeah.. got my tickets already for the LOTR marathon.
See ya all at TGV KLCC on Dec 19.

posted by Fahroe | 9:29 PM

Lord Of The Rings Fans,


-----Original Message-----
From: starbucks
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2003 10:55 AM
To: starbucks
Subject: Starbucks Lord of the Rings Charity Premiere and Marathon Screenings

The Journey ends this December...

Be the first to watch the most awaited movie of the year, the final
installment of Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and
contribute to charity at the same time.

Starbucks Coffee proudly present:
"The Return of the King Charity Premiere"
"The Lord of the Rings Marathon Screenings"

Details as follows:

"The Return of the King Charity Premiere"
Date: 17th December 2003, Wednesday
Time: 7:45pm onwards
Venue: TGV Suria KLCC and TGV 1-Utama Shopping Centre
Where & When to get tickets:
All Starbucks outlets in Klang Valley and Genting Highlands
from 10th November 2003 onwards.
*Each RM39 package consists of 1 ticket to the Charity Premiere
of "The Return of the King", 1 exclusive Starbucks mug and
1 complimentary Starbucks beverage voucher.
*There will be characters appearance on the screening day.

"The Lord of the Rings Marathon Screenings"
Date: 19th December 2003, Friday to 20th December 2003, Saturday
Time: 11:00pm to 10:00am
Venue: TGV Suria KLCC and TGV Sunway Pyramid
Where & When to get tickets:
All Starbucks outlets in Klang Valley from 3rd November 2003 onwards.
*Each RM43 package consists of 1 ticket to the back to back and
first of its kind overnight marathon screening of "The Fellowship of
the Rings" (special extended version), "The Two Towers"
(special extended version) and "The Return of the King"
and 2 complimentary Starbucks beverage vouchers.
*First 50 who come in pyjamas will receive a special goodie bag
worth more than RM200.00 *Each customer will receive an
exclusive Lord of the Rings-HBO T-Shirt and a special "Survival Certificate"
at the end of the screening.
*Proceeds from ticket sales will be contributed to charity.

Gather your friends and come early to get good seats!

See you there!

posted by Fahroe | 8:43 PM

Posting on last Friday hilang. Hampeh la pulak.

Malam tadik nyaris nyaris nak demam. At 2am badan mengigil giler. Then aku bangun, telan Panadol soluble 2 bijik and tidow balik. At 4 am peluh giler badan aku. Nasib baik berpeluh. So pagi nih dah ok la rasanya sket. Tapi ade la jugak sengal sengal kat badan nih. Erggghh.. Nih semua sebab kene hujan sikit ajer masa aku balik dari Carrefour Cheras petang semalam. By the time masuk rumah, dapat rasa suhu badan start naik. Then aku telan soluble after buka posa. By the time nak tidow, menjadik balik. Hmm. Hopefully hari nih tak naik balik lar temperature badan aku.

Last saturday, buka puasa with Anseri meriah giler. Almost 80 people datang. Pix ada kat sinih. Budak batch aku ade kat 7 orang ajer datang. Tak aper la.. asalkan ada. Ramaid arik 1st and 5th batch. Food was nice, meehoon goreng dia sedap giler. Nyesal makan sikit ajer. This time puasa aku fail aah makan. Semalam macaroni & sushi sket, dah kenyang giler. Bloated sampai malam. Dah tua kot? Hhehehe.

Nak gie amik ATM kad jap. Ilang plaks last week. Then off to StarBuck for LOTR Marathon tickets.

-- Blurr n migrain.

posted by Fahroe | 8:37 PM
About me
Fahroe Ibrahim. April 1975. Kuching, Sarawak.
Pandan Jaya, KL. Puchong, Selangor. Kuching, Sarawak
Food, movie, boblbee, sleep, Palm, travel, driving.
Traffic, pollution, stress, hypocrisy, slow mover.
All visitor, family and friends, netizen and cybergeeks
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