Disclaimer: Sorry - yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.
heck... life is so much to be complaint about.

Wednesday, October 29, 2003  

Arrggh.. hari nih hari autograph. Stacks of Raya greeting card kene sign. And I have to update address lists of my clients. Sabor ajer laa..

-- Buka puasa mane hari nih?

posted by Fahroe | 7:08 PM

Tuesday, October 28, 2003  

Semalam KL traffic really push me to the limit. Jem giler bab nyer di KL, dari Jalan Loke Yew ke Cheras. Aku dengan Man stuck dalam kereta kat almost 1 and half hour. Tensen siot. Last last aku pusing balik pi KL Sentral. Buka posa kat food court ajer. Tak dapat nak merasa murtabak Pandan Jaya. Beli kat KL Sentral punya murtabak rasa cam hampeh. Hmm. petang nih balik awal cari murtabak. Yeh..

Aku rasa nama KL sendiri memang show sebab ape jem. KL = Kesesakan Lalulintas. Jinx kot? Kene tukar la nama KL nih. Ape nama nak kasik? Ada idea?

Tadi aku help out budak Anseri jap. Ade probs dengan web site dia. Guna Mambo just like aku punya Anseri page. Ntah naper bila upload gambar untuk news/stories, tak display pulak dalam selection list. Permission semua dah kasik. Blurr lagik. Then help him out also on creating new banner and such. Makin ramai guna mambo nih. Liga-A punya site pun pakai Mambo gaks. Kewl seh.

Orait.. sambung nap japs. Ngantuk giler.

posted by Fahroe | 10:12 PM

Monday, October 27, 2003  

1st day posa dah settle. So far OK ajer la. Buka posa pun simple je, tak nyempat beli food coz by the time aku ngan Man sampai pasar Ramadhan Pandan Jaya, banyak dah habis. Ingat nak cari murtabak, tapi Q punya la panjang. Orang KL memang tak masak utk bukak posa nih.

At nite keluar japs to meet a friend. Pas tuh dok cita la pasa kronism kat negara tercinta nih. Kalau pikir balik, if you dah duduk kat top place, you want to do things, sape you pilih? Some stranger out of no where? Or somebody that you know their capabilities? Your friend? Your family? Why not? They support you to go up there? Right? Without them, what would you be?

Tak dinafikan, ade la jugak set kronism tak tentu arah. Kasik mende mende kat orang yang tak capable to do it. Banyak wooo. Malas cakap. Karang kene black listed plaks.

Tengok iklan Maxis yang baru sempena Deepavali? Funny kan? Hopefully tak ade orang terasa la. Moralnyer, kita jangan lupa la kita ni siapa. Orang mana, asal mana. Kekadang, baru duduk oversea 2 tahun berlagak kalahkan foreigner sendirik. Takat besor ngan nasik tak yah klentong la weiiii..

Aini is coming back on 9th Nov nih. Dah pesan few things.. cigar, etc. This time cari cigarillos la pulak. Mini cigar. And as usual, aku mintak Te Amo Individual aku. Saje nak kumpul kotak dia. Lawa seh.. Sape nakkkkk?????

-- Perghh.. lawa siot Outlook 2003 nih.

posted by Fahroe | 7:03 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2003  

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan kepada semua.

Jangan pose yang yok dah ler.

posted by Fahroe | 7:59 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2003  

Dieting... one word, everybody would like to do it, but don't have the guts to really DO it. Ok... I know some people would say " Erk.. xcuse me... tot u hate diet??"

OK this is the story. For the past few years, been maintaining my weight at circa 93-98kg range. You see, I can have a a body weight of 93-94 in the morning, and when night arrives, my wight would go up to 97-98kg. The next morning it would goes down again. Hmm.... pelik nih.

Then for the past couple of weeks, I'm feeling bit tired. Being a big size that's nothing unusual. Biasak lar, naik tangga 4 tingkat pun penat giler. Now, I feel chest pain, not to mention cramps and kebas on my hands and legs mostly at night. Man hari tu ada cerita, tu tanda heart attack and nak paralyze. Demn.. he's freaking me out now.

So now, I'm trying to reduce my food intake. And eat more balance lar so called. The only thing exercise ajer tak ade. Mane leh jalan kan????? Nak kata no exercise at all tu tipu lar. Pepagi at least aku menapak dalam 10-15 minit ke tempat letak kereta di rumah dan opis. Sikit jer.. heheheheh. Awal awal dulu ade la jugak buat 3-4 round kat taman KLCC nun. Tapi bila keje balik tak menentu, tinggal hangat hangat taik ayam ajer la. To say I'm on a diet, wrong statement lar sei. Makan pagi n lunch ajer kurang. Nite ade gak melantak (not everynight loh, sekali sekala).

So, dah buat almost 4 weeks dah. Belum lagik weight again. Hopefully turun under 92kg lar. Ideally my weight should be around 75kg. Hell, thats a long way to go man! No pain no gain?? Hhahahaha. Tengok la cam mane. Ade sape sape nak support ker?

Pushing factor pun kurang. But I'm putting a high spirit on it. Better la dari sekor mamat nih. Beli kasut sport kunun nak jogging lar. Tapi dari belum ada awek sampai la dah kawin, baru sekali dua ajer pakai kasut tu. Ceiiii.. lagik tera dari aku. Last Saturday pegi lunch rumah dia, pehhh.. makin bulat ajer perut tuh. Nak lawan aku ker weiii?

Ape-ape pun, tadi sempat la merasa food tasting event by D'Saji dekat Dewan Perdana Felda. Boleh tahan la. Ramai jugak yang datang. Tan Sri Dr Yusof Noor rasmikan. Aku, Adam and Toy pegi rasa la. Lepas balik dari Ampang singgah terus situ. Free katakan. Melantak lagik...

Esok cuti Deepavali - public Holiday kat Malaysia. So I'm wishing all who celebrates it, Happy Deepavali and may you have a wonderful year ahead. To the rest of Malaysian, happy holidays. Drive carefully, the highway/road is not the F1 circuit.

-- Sound of The Empire Strikes Back by John Williams

posted by Fahroe | 1:11 AM

Tuesday, October 21, 2003  

Semalam pergi seminar anjuran Trans Niaga. Security seminar, dirasmikan oleh Timbalan Menteri Komunikasi, Tenaga dan Multimedia. Masa Timbalan Menteri kasik speech, aku rasa kesian tengok dia baca text ucapan dia. Slow and steady, tak bertenaga. Making ramai participant rasa resah. Aku rasa all the goverment head nih should attend public speaking classes. I mean, dia orang interact dengan public. Public wants to know what is their opinion. Of course, ada text ucapan. But lihat Che Det, Pak Lah, Anwar, Hamid Albar etc, they can give speech without reading text. It came from their minds. Still remember, pergi berbuka puasa with PM, anjuran Ansara last year. After solat terawikh, Che Det kasik ucapan. A simple yet very informative. Dia boleh tarik everybody punya attention with his speech. Boleh buat joke sedikit sebanyak untuk kurangkan the tense. Hmm entahlah.

I've been giving quite a number of presentation (I think more than 25 times in my career with current company). Memula memang la gagap sket. Asyik kene refer note ajer. Then slow and steady I began to think, why should I read the notes? I mean, I should KNOW what I'm presenting. Not reading it. Kalau nak baca, better print out the presentation and kasik to the participants. Kan???? Maybe my presentation tak entertaining macam certain people. Tak dinafikan jugak ada kalanya topik tuh boring. Esp. on product explaination. But, if we know it by heart, I think we can deliver our speech or presentation much more better.

Malam tadi kat National Geographic Channel (Ch. 52 Astro) ada cerita on Aryton Senna, one of the F1 legend. Banyak yang di explainkan dalam tu. How they try to find out why Aryton crashed, how can they come up to the reason of the crash, etc. Most of the explaination are backed by facts rather than assumption. E.g, they explained that the car steering tak patah before crashed because the reading of the steering showed that its receiving high G-force during the turn. Ade la macam macam lagik. Maybe sape sape interested check out lar. Tak sure la pulak bila repeat dia. Erk.. pagi tadi pukul 8 dia punya repeat. Details sinih.

Yeah.. boss kasik permission utk upgrade DSL link kat opis. Pas nih 2mb la link opis. Dulu 56k ajer. Now at 1mb. Cukup kot pas nih 2mb? Makin laju seii hehehehehe. Yah.. Bittorrent, here I come. Just a question to all yang membaca.
1. What is your internet access speed?
2. Do you think its enough?
3. Do you think the internet access is cheap or expensive?

Orait.. balik awal today. Nak pergi K&U. Pekena kopi local. Muar ada, Hainan ada, Kuantan, Ipoh, Tg Malim. Semua ada. Kewl woo.. murah pun murah. Try out the Kopi Blended. Perghh.. boleh blah la coffee bean kaa.. SFC kaa. GJ kaa... Ini Malaysia mari. Hehhehehe

posted by Fahroe | 11:43 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2003  


A well known name in Malaysia blogger community, Johan Ismail (Joe-Blogs) passed away on Saturday, 18 October 2003. As a mark of respect, his blog site was taken down for temporary by fellow bloggers.
I was informed by Shamsul of PalmX during our BTM on the same day.

Moga-moga ruh Allahyarham ditempatkan dikalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh.

posted by Fahroe | 6:50 PM

Monday, October 13, 2003  

Been a quiet and slow day since Monday. While doing troubleshooting some software technical issue, I played around with new proxy software. It took me quite some times to set up an internal proxy machine in the office, but most software I've found its either too expensive or too difficult to configure. Finally, I managed to get a proxy server called Privoxy. Comes in RedHat RPM package, which makes installation a breeze. A few lines in configuration file edited to suit the environment, and I managed to bring up the system within 30 minutes. Tapi, nak mencari the exact software take me one whole day. Dem....:( Among other application tested - Muffin, AProxy, Squid, Dante, AWP, and others.

In installing software on Unix environgment, usually we refer to a lot of docs, faq and README. Kekadang tengok RTFM, tak semua developer buat docs easy to understand. Some of the are hampeh. I mean really hampeh. But, there are some that is really good ones. IBM is well known to have a very good documentation on its application. Everytime nak cari help on IBM, I just need to get the right keyword, download the document and start reading.

Reading is a habit that everybody should practise. Abedib, a well known figure in Malaysian blogger community, frequently suggest good reading material in his blog. Nowadays, my reading are quite limited. Jarang la jugak cari buku buku nak membaca, since banyak information ambik dari Net. Sometimes, kalau nak tau something, fire-up google.com, type few keywords, refine search and bingo! Got what I want. On my machine, its common for me to open up more than 20-30 web browsing session. Multi tasker la kunun. But most of the time, I'll start my day in the net by reading slashdot.org. A good place for geek like me. But I know, everbody else has thousand sites that its good for them.

Been helping Aini to get a new SLR and Digital camera. Tak tau lagi mana nak pilih. She told that she could get Nikon F55 with additional 70-300mm lens at about RM1500 in Ireland. But, I'm getting an offer for RM1700 for Nikon F75 with additional lense 70-300mm lens. Lanz SMS yesterday he could get Nikon F80 with additional battery pack and camera bag for RM1800. As for the digital camera, haven't decide lah. Pening nak pikir.

Esok konsert Linkin Park di Stadium Merdeka. Memula ingat nak la jugak pergi. But, keadaan tak mengizinkan. To all yang pergi, enjoy. Amik gambar banyak banyak woooiiii.

-- Crawling by Linkin Park.

posted by Fahroe | 10:41 PM

Thursday, October 09, 2003  

I'm searching the web for list of Malaysian thingy thing.. such as Malaysian National Flower, Malaysian Nasional Car, Malaysian Fast Food, etc. I remember seing it at either TV Smith old web site, or somewhere.

Could anybody help me on this? Mail me to fahroe@fahroe.com.

Thanks guys.

posted by Fahroe | 10:24 PM

Wednesday, October 08, 2003  

Awal pagi dah sampai opis. Nak prepare for the presentation for a new prospect. Hmm.. this time slides aku ade lagu background la pulak. Memacam betul bosses nih nak. Itu la, ini la.. yang nak presentnya sape? Hampeh dot com betul lar.

Last nite masa before nak tidur, aku layan kejap TechTV. Ade story pasal few places di donia nih yang graviti tak betul sket. According to the claim, its because of magnetic flux. Tapi ade gak yang tak setuju. But, the place is really weird. Tapi.. bila aku tengok balik, teringat aku kat Planetarium Negara ade showcase yang lebih kurang same ajer fenomena dia dengan tempat-tempat yang di ceritakan. Ape yang planetarium buat adalah, bina lantai yang senget. But the environment looks like everything is flat. Payah la jugak nak jalan dalam tuh. Check it out kat sana.

Lupa nak cerita, Selasa lepas pergi Palm product launching. Dah jatuh chenta sama ini mende la pulak. Cun wooooooo.. Sempoi giler. Price starts at RM1488. Sib baik tak tangkap Zire71, and it's lighter than Sony product. Been a good event that nite, saw few new accessories for PDA. IR Keyboard, SDIO Camera, new stylus, and mobile charger. Charger penting woo.. berapa kali dah aku punya Clie hard reset sebab bateri tinggal ngam-ngam soi ajer.. sedor pagi tengok dah reset. Makkkk.. kene reset balik.

-- Sound by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Under Pressure.

posted by Fahroe | 5:26 PM

Tgh nak tunggu meeting Anseri start. Hampeh betul part janji melayu ni. 5 minit lagi kunun, 5 minit masa kiamat kot? Sabor aje la.

Harinih jalan jem balik sebab OIC dry run. Sib baik jalan ke K&U kat Sri Hartamas nih clear. Kalau tak, tobat aku nak mai. Perlu sangat ke dry run nih? Nak tunggu actual day OIC conference. Takat mana jem dia.

Esok presentation for tender. Today punya run trough for the slide kene kensel. Partner tak dapat sampai sebab sangkut dalam jem. Kesian la pulak. Pagi esok tengok cam mana.

-- Kopi & Ulam, Sri Hartamas

via Clie & Maxis GPRS

posted by Fahroe | 4:28 AM

Monday, October 06, 2003  

Makin dekat dengan year end, makin banyak project nak masuk. Kenapa la tak buat awal awal dulu? Sometimes, in the mid of the year, nothing sei nak buat. Pening paler ngan dunia korporat nih. Dah tau ujung tahun bz, naper la nak plan semua ujung tahun. Like you know you car nak rosak in very near future, but you tunggu till its really rosak. Hmm.. typical human????

I had a good time with MyCigarBlog meet up last Friday. Aiz and Kaz did a review on it here, here and here for pix. We had a great time discussing the most brilliant idea, pop up by Sharizal. Check out MyCigarBlog for more info.

Sabtu malam lepas, pergi reunion dinner for ex-UMBC/Sime bank staff. Happening giler la jugak that nite. Jumpa ramai ex-staff. Ramai yang terkejut jumpa aku esp. Maklumlah... dulu lebih kurang cam (..) ajer.. now days dah cam nih (....). Jangan pikir lain aah. The best part, menang lucky draw. Dapat ler kipas angin 12inch satu. Boleh la.. bak kate Shawal, balik modal. Hheheheheh. Yang tak menang tu, tak per. Anyway, wishing all ex-UMBC/Sime a wonderfull year ahead. Ade gathering lagik, sila sila ler kasi tau.

Tonite, there will be Palm product launching. Details can be found at PalmX web site. Buat di Planet Hollywood. Thinking of going there by monorail since it will be quite jam pack sebab ade road block tonight. So, to all geng PDA, meh la turun. Ade lucky draw woo. So, be there early to avoid traffic jems.

Our nothern part of the country is experiencing a heavy downpour lately. Cuaca nampaknya dah berubah sejak kebelakangan nih. Used to be Kelantan and Terengganu hujan lebat towards end of the year. Tapi sekarang, Penang, Kedah, Perak and Perlis pulak yang banjir. Still remember when I was in Penang, we used to mandi banjir everytime hujan turun. It was really fun. Me and few other would have this activity of catching live lipan which floats around. We used to compete to see who gets the most. Luckily, nobody kene sengat. Beside lipan, water snakes pun jadi sasaran. My friend lagi giler, tangkap kala jengking (scorpion). And then, we put it in a small aquarium. Mix them together and see the creature fighting. Those days... :)

Signing of, got proposal and presentation to prepare. And my client is screaming for me to come over and help them. Arghhhh... udah la tu......

-- Sound of Matchbox Twenty - Unwell.

posted by Fahroe | 11:04 PM

Thursday, October 02, 2003  

Semalam dok bz menginstall PC balik. Reformat HDD and reinstall everything back. Upgrade new RAM. Nothing much to story yet. Malam nih cigar blogger meet up. Yeahhhhhh..

Nanti cerita. Banyak mende nak buat.

posted by Fahroe | 5:38 PM
About me
Fahroe Ibrahim. April 1975. Kuching, Sarawak.
Pandan Jaya, KL. Puchong, Selangor. Kuching, Sarawak
Food, movie, boblbee, sleep, Palm, travel, driving.
Traffic, pollution, stress, hypocrisy, slow mover.
All visitor, family and friends, netizen and cybergeeks
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